Pollards culture and employee participation

Our History / 21st Century / Pollards culture and employee participation

At the 2000 Millennium, Andrew Pollard’s message to staff conveyed one aspect of the company ethos: ‘Pollards is a bit unusual they tell me. But why? Well, I think we are trying to do something a bit special, because the invitation to everyone who works here is to build a collective a sense of purpose. That’s what makes the company distinctive. Despite the continuing contraction within the print industry, we aim to work together, innovate together, and share success.’ A garden for staff use was completed in 1999, and the story behind it conveys something of Pollards underlying values and commitments. Over the years, Pollards has supported various forms of employee participation, including employee shareholding, board representation and top-level consultation. In 1984 the William Pollard Employee Shareholding Trust (WPEST) was established and given company shares, with the management holding a small number too. A ‘Partners’ Council’ later complemented the shareholding by providing a space for discussion of company business. By 2011 more specific and tax-efficient bonus systems had been developed, and the trust was wound up. Today, the Pollards Employee Consultation Committee (PECC) meets with the Chairman and Managing Director before every Board Meeting to raise any issues they wish. After Board deliberation, prompt feedback enables discussion within departments.

Andrew and Michael Pollard, with the Memorial Stone gifted by employees. The inscription reads: ‘Anne Pollard, who provided a foundation of values and partnership’.

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